Legion Rider Officers - Director-Shelley Reeder, Vice-Director-Nick Dooley, Chaplain-Charlie Walker, Secretary/Treasurer-Jodi Owen, Membership Chairman-Mike Reeder, Run Director-Cal Christie, Historian-Bob Kusser

Donations this year are for the Honor Flight - $750, the State Veterans' Home - $200, Missouri Shore - $200 and Legacy Scholorship - $200.  We will also purchase $200 worth of gifts for the Veterans at the State Veterans' Home. 

The U.S. Army has published the first Retirement Guide for National Guard Soldiers and Families. The 56-page Army National Guard Information Guide on Non-Regular Retirement was written for anyone with an interest in how a member of the Army National Guard can earn retirement points credit, qualify for retired pay for non-regular service and apply for retired pay. http://www.armyg1.army.mil/rso/docs/ARReserveRetirementGuide.doc

 Links to other important sites to all members:

www.pierrepost8.synthasite.com - Pierre American Legion

http://www.petersenmotorcycles.com - Local Harley Owner's Group website

www.abatesd.com - Local A Brotherhood for Awareness, Ttraining and Education website

http://combatvet.org - Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association website

www.patriotguard.org - Patriot Guard website

www.americanlegionriders.net - The National American Legion Riders website

www.sdlegion.org - The National American Legion website

www.vfw.org - The National Veteran's of Foreign Wars website

siouxfallslegionriders.yolasite.com   - The Sioux Falls AmericanLegion Riders website

www.ngasd.org/SDMR/news.php - The National Guard Retirees website

http://www.southdakotasafetycouncil.org/motorcycle/index.htm - South Dakota Motor Cycle Safety Council